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What is

The Food Safety Foundation?


Good question.


Maybe the best way to answer that is to start with this question.


"How can we make food safety better for us all, as a whole?"


We want better food safety, but recalls keep happening.


All it takes is one bad supplier hidden in our network to ruin our business. One manufacturer who doesn't understand food safety, and is afraid to speak up.

One bad apple who cheats the system for short term gain.


It's more common than we care to admit.


Those hidden failures are recalls waiting to happen. They keep us up at night.


The bottom line - Food Safety is a collaborative process.


Food Safety is not a point of competition between companies.


It's a lesson we all need to learn if we are to move forward and improve food safety.


Because we all sink or swim together when it comes to food safety.


That is where The Food Safety Foundation comes in.


I have created a forum where we can work collaboratively on food safety.


We can improve our food safety plans, or get a better understanding of Foreign Supplier Verification. We can talk about the latest recall and how to mitigate the new risks moving forward. Want to know how FDA using Appendix 1 when evaluating hazard analysis documentation? Find out here.


It's a way to use our talents together to reach a goal we all want.



What do you get when you join the program?


  • Webinars that the group asks for, not just what happens to be available

  • Interviews with leading experts in food safety on hot topics

  • Unbiased feedback on your food safety plan

  • Updates on food safety recalls and issues so you can stay up to date

  • A private and secure food safety Mastermind forum.


But the most important element is the group.


People with decades of experience who care just as much about food safety as you do. People who want to share their knowledge and help others.


I want to call attention to the last bullet point because it's critical.



The Food Safety Mastermind.



A mastermind is a way to share expertise. You get to interact with experts from your industry (and others) that can give you a fresh perspective on how to tackle your problems.


As we all know, if you want to be successful, work with successful people, and learn from them. Nothing moves the needle faster.


It a way to access experts from other companies to see how they manage food safety.


The Mastermind platform is on a secure, moderated site that allows members to ask questions, teach others, and provide feedback in a safe environment. It's something that no one else is doing - and it's going to be revolutionary.


There's no risk. You can sign up and if it's not for you, that's fine. No pressure here.


This forum will allow food safety to advance, it's a tool to get beyond the occasional conversations at conferences with colleagues you bump into. It's an opportunity to speak to experts that most people don't have access to. Anytime you want.


It's food safety for those who want to protect those we care about a little bit better today than we did yesterday.


So, fill out the short form below and we'll get back to you and have a conversation to see if this is an opportunity that is right for you.



See you soon!






Bryan Armentrout


The Food Safety Foundation


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Ready to join?


Just fill out a short application and we'll get back to you right away.


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